The Way to Success Starts with a DREAM

الأحد، 29 يوليو 2012

" Everyone wants joy in their life, to live their Donya, to fulfill their needs and desires, ultimately there is that sense of a need for completion, to be fulfilled, satisfied and completed…You can either recognize it now, or recognize it when you’re 60 or 70, this world does not hold, even if you had everything in it, it does not offer that complete satisfaction"

"The world cannot provide the completion that humans need, but people have come to focus on the actions and words of prayer and Islam, while losing sight of their spiritual core. Love, in Islam and of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is what ultimately allows for a balance between the spiritual and the material..."

الاثنين، 23 يوليو 2012

Many times in our lives we may get hurt, angered, and offended by the people that we love. How we handle these situations makes a huge difference on our relationships. The Prophet Mohammad (peace and salat upon him) has given us the BEST relationship advice: Make over 70 excuses for your brothers and sisters. If we learn to make excuses for others then not only do we feel at peace, but we also salvage our relationships. How many of us do that? Usually we are quick to judge and react. Next time someone you love or not hurts you or offends you try making excuses for them and see how easily you can overcome life's obstacles.