The Way to Success Starts with a DREAM

الأربعاء، 1 سبتمبر 2010

Double-Faced People [hypocrite]

It is kinda hard for me to grasp the notion of being extra sweet and accepting what happens around me with ease. In this materialistic  world, people surprise me with their actions. It has nothing to do with respect or manners as opposed to doing the right thing. I don’t like someone, I ain’t gonna waste my energy or wave away my principles to wear a fake smile on my face just to appear sweet and be good in their eyes = I SIMPLY DON’T CARE & I DON’T WANNA GO WITH THE FLOW
I always keep silent when I face like those people in my life, , Don't know If it's true but I think Ignorance is the Best psychological treatment for such sick people who get me on the Nerve !
Finally,I wonder sometimes from the action of those people ,, Hey Double-faced people ,, !! Fair is Fair And Enough is enough ,, know your Borders ,, and stop Disturb people Lives !! I'll let things goes naturally as it is without the existence of those sick people ,, Good day World ^_^

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